Yerba Santa Incense – California


SKU: EO4 Category:

Product Description

Yerba Santa Incense – California

This incense is made of carefully selected natural Yerba Santa herbs sourced from their original location in California. It features a unique scent that combines bitterness and sweetness, purifying the air and helping to create a comfortable and healthy environment, making it ideal for meditation and relaxation.


  • Air purification: Helps eliminate germs and unwanted odors, enhancing air quality.
  • Stimulates positive energy: Fosters feelings of love, joy, and peace, contributing to a soothing atmosphere.
  • Supports meditation rituals: Perfect for use during meditation or relaxation sessions.
  • Unique aroma: Combines bitterness and sweetness, becoming calmer as it cools.

How To Use The Product
Light the sage incense using a flame from a lighter or a candle, let it burn for 20-30 seconds, then gently move the incense until the flame goes out. If you need to use it again, repeat the same steps. Open windows for ventilation.

Natural Yerba Santa herbs.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I use incense safely?
A: Use incense in well-ventilated areas and avoid excessive use.
Q: Is it harmful to inhale incense directly?
A: Yes, it is advisable not to inhale it directly, and ensure the area is ventilated after or during the burning process.
Q: Is using incense harmful to respiratory health?
A: On the contrary, incense is considered beneficial as it helps purify and cleanse the air, in addition to promoting relaxation and improving mood, provided that it is sourced naturally and used in moderation.
Q: How can I extinguish incense?
A: Incense can be extinguished in several ways, such as blowing on it or sprinkling a few drops of water to stop the burning process. It can be reused after it dries.
Q: What is the difference between natural incense and synthetic or commercial incense?
A: Our natural incense is made from only natural ingredients, such as pure essential oils and aromatic herbs. This type of incense is considered safer and more environmentally friendly, as it leaves a pleasant effect without causing any discomfort, suffocation, or harm to the respiratory system. On the contrary, it is beneficial and has multiple therapeutic benefits. In contrast, synthetic incense is made of harmful chemical substances and fragrances to imitate natural scents, which can be detrimental to respiratory health and may increase sensitivity.

Weight 0.01 kg


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