Organic Sage – Austria – 50gm


Sage is known as the sacred herb because of its many benefits, especially for women

As it contains estrogen-like compounds, which enhance women’s health, increase their fertility, and reduce menstrual pain and attacks of hot flashes.

It was used in the ancient Egyptian civilization to improve fertility and was used by the Native Americans to treat skin problems

And the South American shamans used it to improve mental health, as its fragrant, volatile scent affected the nervous system

It is often used to enhance memory, mental activity, cognition and focus

Hence, it is recommended for use during study and activities that require concentration

It is also used to expel gas and relieve abdominal pain and colds

Its soaking can be used to make a vaginal wash to relieve itching and gynaecological infections, or a lotion to rinse hair, soothe the scalp, and relieve itching and dandruff.

Product Description

Origin: Austria

Obtained from organic farms and free of pesticides

Carefully purified and free from dirt and impurities


How to use :

For every cup of boiling water, add one sachet

Leave it to brew for 5-10 minutes

You can add honey for sweetening

Contraindications to the use of Sage:

For those who have hormonal imbalances and ovary-related health issues

Hypertension and diabetes patients

Epilepsy and convulsions

During the first 3 months of pregnancy

During breastfeeding, as it may dry up breast milk

Children under ten years old

Weight 0.06 kg


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